Ich bin Irfan Öztekin, Videograf, Fotograf und Social-Media-Experte mit Sitz in Berlin. Mit über 10 Jahren professioneller Erfahrung spezialisiere ich mich auf die Erstellung von visuellen Inhalten, die inspirieren und einzigartige Geschichten erzählen.
Im Laufe meiner Karriere habe ich mit meinen Kameras 35 verschiedene Länder bereist – eine Erfahrung, die meine Vision erweitert und meine Perspektive als visueller Geschichtenerzähler geprägt hat. Ich hatte das Privileg, mit zahlreichen Marken und Kunden aus verschiedenen Branchen zusammenzuarbeiten und beeindruckende Inhalte zu produzieren, die herausstechen.
Ich arbeite mit branchenüblichen Tools, um sicherzustellen, dass jedes Projekt die höchsten Qualitätsstandards erfüllt.
Ob persönliches Projekt oder professionelle Zusammenarbeit – ich freue mich darauf, Ihre Ideen zu hören und sie zum Leben zu erwecken. Zögern Sie nicht, mich über den Kontaktbereich zu erreichen
Ich freue mich darauf, mit Ihnen in Verbindung zu treten. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam etwas Außergewöhnliches schaffen!
Ich freue mich darauf, mit Ihnen in Verbindung zu treten. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam etwas Außergewöhnliches schaffen!
I am Irfan Öztekin, videographer and photographer and social media expert based in Berlin. With over 10 years of professional experience, I specialize in creating visuals that inspire and tell unique stories.
Throughout my career, I have traveled to 35 different countries with my cameras, an experience that has broadened my vision and shaped my perspective as a visual storyteller. I’ve had the privilege of collaborating with numerous brands and clients across various industries, producing compelling content that stands out.
I work with industry-standard tools, ensuring each project meets the highest quality standards.
Whether it’s a personal project or a professional collaboration, I’d love to hear your ideas and bring them to life. Feel free to reach out to me through the CONTACT section.
and look forward to connecting with you. Let’s make something extraordinary together!
and look forward to connecting with you. Let’s make something extraordinary together!
- Client Testimonials -
"Irfan was so professional who created beautiful work. Communicative and accommodating. Irfan shot a tour for an American Band touring in Europe. He was hired for one show and after seeing his work, the band and other bands on the tour wanted him to shoot more dates. As the Band's manager, I was in the US and Irfan mad it so easy to coordinate and execute. He was pleasure to work with and highly recommend."
-Upwork Client Oct 2022
"We have been working with Irfan for 10 years. He played a very critical role in positioning our brand. He understood very well what we wanted first. It determined the need. And he came up with a good plan. Looking back, we have hundreds of quality short films that none of our competitors have. Without it, we wouldn't be able to differentiate so positively. One of the names with his signature under the Eyobus brand. A true team player! we are grateful."
"We have been working with Irfan for 10 years. He played a very critical role in positioning our brand. He understood very well what we wanted first. It determined the need. And he came up with a good plan. Looking back, we have hundreds of quality short films that none of our competitors have. Without it, we wouldn't be able to differentiate so positively. One of the names with his signature under the Eyobus brand. A true team player! we are grateful."
-Aykut Y. | Owner of the brand
Event videography, Interview videography, Photography, May 2021
"Irfan did an amazing job with my photoshoot picture edits. All my travel photos came out perfect. I was extremely impressed with his professionalism, patience, attention to detail, and quality of work. I strongly recommend him for anyone looking for a photographer and videographer."
Event videography, Interview videography, Photography, May 2021
"Irfan did an amazing job with my photoshoot picture edits. All my travel photos came out perfect. I was extremely impressed with his professionalism, patience, attention to detail, and quality of work. I strongly recommend him for anyone looking for a photographer and videographer."
-Upwork Client Mar 2022
"I was traveling to Istanbul and figured I'd hire a photographer for the journey. Based on the professional reviews Irfan stood out. I cannot be overstated how professional, courteous, and kind Irfan was. 10/10 would recommend Irfan."
"I was traveling to Istanbul and figured I'd hire a photographer for the journey. Based on the professional reviews Irfan stood out. I cannot be overstated how professional, courteous, and kind Irfan was. 10/10 would recommend Irfan."
-Jeremy Lohier Upwork Client Dec 2021
"The period of time we worked together, we were really satisfied with his works and he brought a lot of benefit to our companies, I recommend Irfan for other companies that are in need of improving their brands and to power up their companies."
"The period of time we worked together, we were really satisfied with his works and he brought a lot of benefit to our companies, I recommend Irfan for other companies that are in need of improving their brands and to power up their companies."
-Onur K. | Owner of the brand
Product photography May 2021
Product photography May 2021